botanical garden
Following its two centennial celebration, Bogor Botanical Garden is aiming to develop modern nursery facilities which would take place in 2018.
Indonesian Botanical Garden Foundation launched Jaga Bhumi (Protect Earth), a movement to encourage people to aware and participate in protecting the country’s rich biodiversity.
Developing botanical garden can be considered as one of solution to tackle water issues with integrated water management, from up to downstream using technology.
As the last standing protection of Indonesia’s plants collection, Bogor Botanical Garden’s existence should be preserved and maintained.
Indonesian Institute for Science (LIPI) encourages researchers or plant breeders to register new plant varieties as part of intellectual rights protection.
At least ten tons of plastic and cans waste produced by Bogor Botanical Garden every year. Lack of people’s awareness and increasing visitors resulted to piling up waste in the site.
Indonesian Botanical Garden Foundation (YKRI) has been encouraging to extend the roles of botanical gardens in Indonesia, for not just limited to research purposes.