Dalam rangka merayakan hari hidupan liar sedunia, inilah pengingat sederhana untuk hidup harmonis dengan wildlife.
Ancaman yang terus menubruk hidupan liar, mendorong kita untuk bertanggung jawab menciptakan solusi berupa inovasi menjaga wildlife.
Indonesia welcomes a pair of giant panda from China for breeding loan as part of Memorandum of Understanding between Indonesian and Chinese governments.
Protecting wild animals and plants should be done by all parties, government, activists, NGOs, academicians, and wider public, as told by wildlife photographer Riza Marlon
In 2015, weather phenomenon El Nino triggered hotspots. Fires were inevitable resulted to 18,000 hectares of Mawas Conservation Program burned down. Consequently, wild orangutans moved to other parts of the forest to survive.
Senior official on Tuesday (20/9) blamed on lack of data input of Bornean orangutan (Pongo pygmaeus) which pushed the species to Critically Endangered at IUCN Red List.
Ministry of Environment and Forestry targeted revised Conservation Law draft will be finalized by the end of this month.
Following fast decline of Sumatran tiger (Phantera tigris sumatrae), the Big Cat is predicted to have only 3,000 individuals around the world with less than 400 left in its own habitat, Sumatra island.
Three men found guilty of illegal orangutan trading by Pekanbaru District Court on March 22 against the 1990 Law on Conservation. The sentences received were considered as the highest record for wildlife trading in Riau for the last ten years.
Menteri Lingkungan Hidup dan Kehutanan (LHK) Siti Nurbaya Bakar mengatakan bahwa permasalahan terkait satwa liar atau wildlife merupakan salah satu masalah yang paling berat dari akumulasi berbagai permasalahan lingkungan hidup yang terjadi di Indonesia.
Jakarta – (Greeners) Media online yang fokus dalam penyebaran informasi dan berita lingkungan hidup Greeners.co bekerjasama dengan komunitas foto alam bebas Indonesia Wildlife Photography menggelar lomba foto Weekly Wildlife. Lomba […]
Jakarta (Greeners) – Internet and its network has widen sumateran tiger trading networks around the globe, NGO says. Forum Harimau Kita, an endangered Sumateran tiger conservation NGO, Monday, (29/7/2013), said […]
Malang (Greeners) – ProFauna’s Wildlife Rescue Center (PWRC) berhasil menyelamatkan dua ekor monyet ekor panjang (Macaca Fascicularis) yang nyaris menjadi korban pemburu liar di kawasan hutan Gunung Kawi, Malang, Jawa […]