climate change

Jakarta (Greeners) – Pendiri Foreign Policy Community of Indonesia (FPCI) Dino Patti Djalal menyebut, peran penting para pemuka agama menyuarakan isu perubahan iklim. Sebanyak 85 % penduduk dunia memeluk agama […]

Jakarta (Greeners) – Dampak perubahan iklim tak hanya mengancam lingkungan. Akan tetapi juga mengancam eksistensi pulau-pulau kecil di Indonesia karena kenaikan muka air laut. Bahkan, berdasarkan proyeksi, 115 pulau berukuran […]

Jakarta (Greeners) – Sebagai pemilik hutan tropis terbesar ketiga di dunia kebakaran hutan dan lahan (karhutla) berdampak signifikan bagi Indonesia, termasuk emisi yang berkontribusi pada perubahan iklim. Sebelumnya, Menteri Lingkungan […]

Jakarta (Greeners) – Meski 88 % orang di Indonesia mengaku familiar dengan istilah perubahan iklim (climate change). Namun, hanya 44 % di antaranya atau 39 % dari total populasi paham […]

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Indonesian government has targeted for energy sector to contribute 11 percent or 314 million tons of CO2. Nevertheless, there is a gap policy between fossil fuel and renewable energy.

Indonesia Climate Change Trust Fund or ICCTF has been funding 76 projects of land based mitigation, adaptation and energy throughout the country.

A recent report on climate change revealed that East Kalimantan as one of the largest carbon emitter as the province has been depending on oil, gas and coal for its economic development since 1970s.

Nearly 90 percent of world’s coral reefs would be gone by 2050 which poses threats for millions of people in developing countries.

Post Paris Agreement ratification into the law, Indonesia is obligated to implement climate change adaptation and mitigation programs at local levels.

In the effort to tackle climate change, there’s still lack of involvement from indigenous peoples to manage natural resources in Indonesia.

Climate change impacts on women are often neglected. Crop failure, no clean water access, increase work burden, and migration as impact disaster, are only few impacts that also hit women.

Climate change finance for cities, specifically in Kupang city, revealed that coastal cities were vulnerable to impacts of climate change.