Approaching Lebaran 2019, Ministry of Health Prepares 6,047 Health Facilities for Mudik

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Photo: Ministry of Health

Jakarta (Greeners) – Approaching Eid Al-Fitr 2019, Ministry of Health and its agencies set up 6,047 health facilities on mudik (public exodus) routes on seven days before and seven days after the holidays.

Bambang Wibowo, director general of Health Services at Ministry of Health, said that health service facilities prepared for this year is higher compare in 2018.

For this year, ministry of health prepares 923 health posts, 4,210 health centers, 375 hospitals along Pantura route, 144 recommended hospitals, 207 health offices in ports and 188 public safety centers.

Wibowo said that all of the health facilities are to facilitate public needs for information and services along the mudik and non-mudik routes. Teams from ministry of health in the posts are dispatched from health agencies in DKI Jakarta, West Java, Central Java, East Java and outside Java.

“In addition, there will be socialization of public movement on healthy living such as drink water. We also encourage public to bring their own tumblers, for saving money and reduce waste, especially plastic waste. Always keep clean is important,” he said in Jakarta on Thursday (23/05/2019).

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Health service facilities prepared by West Java are 654 health centers, 186 hospitals, 315 health posts, 705 ambulance R4, 17 ambulance R2, and 11 public safety centers. In Central Java, 154 health centers, 136 hospitals, 225 health posts, ambulance R4, ambulance R2, and public safety centers. Meanwhile, in East Java, 924 health centers, 239 hospitals, 178 clinics, 243 health posts, and 16 public safety centers.

Furthermore, he said that public should be able to use public safety centers for health consultation during mudik.

“Health posts are available in terminals and rest areas, meanwhile health facilities will be available on mudik routes,” he said.

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Widyastuti, head of DKI Jakarta health agency, said health facilities will be available for public between May 29 to June 13.

“For bus terminals, we have four main terminals, — Kalideres, Tanjung Priok, Kampung Rambutan, and Pulo Gebang — and seven other back-up terminals. We also open big stations in two harbors and six touristic sites such as Ancol, Thousand Islands, Monas, Ragunan and Taman Mini. For one health post comprise of doctor, nurse, administration staff and driver, and medicine, oxygen, communication tools and administration,” she said adding that the posts will provide services such as medical check-up, health information, free ambulance to recommended health facilities.

Reports by Dewi Purningsih
