Ministry of Environment and Forestry Promotes SILIN to Increase Natural Forests Productivity

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Photo: Purningsih

Jakarta (Greeners) – Ministry of Environment and Forestry on Tuesday (22/01/2019) promotes the intensive silviculture mechanism or known as SILIN, to improve natural forests productivity and sustainable natural resources.

SILIN mechanism is applied on 10-25 percent of natural forest areas granted to permit holders.

“SILIN as a fundamental breakthrough is one of the solutions to tackle the issue of declining quality and quantity of Indonesia’s natural forests production. It reflects government’s efforts to optimize forest management and integrated forest management,” said Minister of Environment and Forestry, Siti Nurbaya in Jakarta.

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Furthermore, Minister Siti said that wood is a serious issue in relation to natural forests. Hence, the ministry applying SILIN to improve natural forests management.

“We are trying to more optimize natural forests. Several things need to be intensified through SILIN including its management techniques, seedlings, and industry. Currently, the downside of natural forest management is its industry is not established, might it be natural forests or plantation forests. So, we are encouraging industries at the same time of optimizing natural forest management,” she said.

Furthermore, she said this consultation is government’s commitment to increase the potential of natural forests wood products which could produce at least 30 cubic meter per hectare to 120 cubic meter per hectare. Consequently, to increase wood volume to fourfold.

In addition, SILIN is an important part to deal with sunset industry, or industry in decline. She also said that land management based on these techniques will be giving incentives.

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Director general of Sustainable Production Forest Management, Hilman Nugroho, said that the ministry is actively discussing on the incentives with business people. “We are still calculating [the incentives], we will give incentives as long as they obtain the permits to natural forests based on good sustainable management,” said Nugroho.

Meanwhile, Purwadi Soeprihanto of Indonesian Forests Management Association or APHI, said the incentives will encourage business to increase productivity, despite there are targets to achieve to be able to get the incentives.

“The incentives will be given if productivity rises threefold, minimum of 90 cubic meter [per hectare]. SILIN has started this year and already being signed. A minimum of 20 percent of activities of forest management permit holders need to apply SILIN,” said Soeprihanto. “The director general also stipulates in the ten year working plan for 20 percent of the areas to be using SILIN, either with gaps or not.”

Reports by Dewi Purningsih
