Ministry of Environment and Forestry Introduces New Forest Management Systems

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forest management
Ilustration. Photo: pixabay

Jakarta (Greeners) – Ministry of Environment and Forestry will issue two new forest managements, — Reduce Impact Logging (RIL) and Silviculture Intensive (SILIN) — to keep up with the evolution of technology, said a senior official, in Jakarta, on Tuesday (18/09/2018).

Director General of Sustainable Forest Management, Ministry of Environment and Forestry, Hilman Nugroho, said that SILIN will be applied on Indonesian Selective Logging and Planting (TPTI) and Selective Logging and Planting in Lane (TPTJ). This is because TPTI only produce 30 cubic meters of wood on one hectare of land.

“So, this is how we can move forward and have high productivity. The answers are two, environmentally friendly logging and silviculture system,” said Nugroho. “Previously only 30 cubic meter, [now] 120 cubic meter. This is only using 20 percent from one hectare.”

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Furthermore, he said that logging from natural forests reached to 28 million cubic meter in 1990s, however, the number declined to 80 percent in 2015. It is resulted from declining natural forest areas and the growth of tree less than 0.4 centimeter per year. Consequently, logging industry was decreasing along with employment, and biodiversity of secondary forests.

SILIN on secondary forests is done through enrichment planting based on endemic species. This approach will use lane and gap planting. SILIN is a silviculture technique which combines rehabilitation of trees, environmental manipulation, and pest management.

“SILIN with superior dipterocarpus types can increase plants diameter up to more than 1.7 centimeter per year compare to natural meranti growth of 0.4 centimeter per year,” he said. “This technique will produce natural forests productivity up to 300 percent compare without intensive planting.”

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Another forest management is Reduce Impact Logging (RIL), a systematic approach comprises of planning, implementation, monitoring, and evaluation of logging.

“RILL will minimize the waste of harvesting, increase wood production, and reduce carbon emission. RIL is compulsory to all companies to log harvesting,” he said.

In addition, RIL has reduce impacts of climate change, such as reducing CO2 emission of 29-50 percent from forest deforestation and land use changes, increase CO2 absorption up to 1.7 times and store forest carbon up to 1.56 times, and reduce CO2 emission up to 41 percent in waste decomposition.

SILIN and RIL will be introduced at National Forest Management Unit Festival and Exhibition and Pusaka, held in September 23, in Yogyakarta.

Nugroho said that both systems have shown forestry progress in sustainable forest management. The systems are expected to realize useful, high economical, ecological and social Indonesian forests.

Reports by Dewi Purningsih
