Indonesia to Set Up Green Vehicles Roadmap

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green vehicles roadmap

Jakarta (Greeners) – Ministry of Industry took on the initiative to push on green cars industry as part of the effort to achieve 29 percent of emission reduction by 2030 from transportation sector.

Head of Directorate Unit of Land Transportation, Ministry of Industry, Hendro Luckyanto, said that there should be a clear Automotive Roadmap for Indonesia.

“Currently, Ministry of Industry and Ministry of Environment and Forestry, and Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources are still working out the roadmap on low carbon emission vehicles (LCEV),” said Luckyanto, in Jakarta on Thursday (22/12).

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Furthermore, he said that automotive industry in Indonesia was still conventional as it was still using fossil fuels against global trend meanwhile LCEV was part of greenhouse gas emission reduction.

He said that it would take time to adopt the technology and prepare its infrastructure. The roadmap, he added, would consider a maximum solution which in line with CO2 emission reduction target and national energy planning.

Kukuh Kumara, secretary of Indonesia’s Motor Vehicle Industry Association, said that the industry has prepared for LCEV as some have already produced lower emission gas cars to be exported.

However, Kumara said, Indonesia was still using Euro 2 fuel standard, which was not produced in other countries and other companies have already exported Euro 4. As a result, companies ended up producing two different specifications.

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In addition, fuel supply for LCEV is still one of the obstacle. Kumara said that the fuel which did not meet the standard of LCEV will make it harder to do long distance travels.

“LCEV will be more sensitive to fuel use and can cause the engine to stop working if not properly using the correct specification,” he said.

Based on the Association data, 1.2 million cars of Euro 2 produced in the country every year and only 200,000 cars of Euro 4 produced for export.

Kumara said that the association had asked for policy that would ensure the industry to be more competitive and efficient meaning that LCEV should have not followed low cost green car (LCGC) to be marketed in Indonesia.

Reports by Danny Kosasih
