Avoid Overlapping Authorities in Conservation Law

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conservation law
Ilustration. Photo : Freepik.com

Situbondo (Greeners) – Lawmakers ensure that revision on biodiversity law will also include tasks and roles for each ministries, such as ministry of environment and forestry, ministry of marine and fisheries and ministry of agriculture, said a lawmaker, in Situbondo, on Thursday (10/8).

Herman Khaeron, Vice Chair of Commission IV, House of Representatives, which oversees forestry, said that 1990 Law had already included conservation responsibilities mainly to ministry of environment and forestry, however the 2014 law on coastal and small islands management also included conservation role which caused both laws to be overlapping.

“This regulation overlapping should not be allowed,” said Khaeron.

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Currently, the revision on 1990 law is being discussed by Commission IV and would be proposed to plenary session.

On the other hand, Director general of Marine Space Management, Brahmantya Satymurti Poerwadi, said that marine conservation was under ministry of environment and forestry before marine and fisheries ministry was established. However, with the establishment of marine ministry, its authority should be in accordance to each ministries.

Based on the fisheries law, marine conservation was part of an integrated fish management, of which technically under Ministry of Marine and Fisheries.

In addition, small islands and coastal areas, based on 2007 Law on Small Islands and Coastal Areas, also under Ministry of Marine and Fisheries as Management Authority of Fisheries Resources Conservation.

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Poerwadi said eight areas have been transferred from Ministry of Marine and Fisheries, Banda Marine Reserves in Southeast Aru Islands, Raja Ampat Marine Wildlife Reserve, Gili Air, Meno and Terawangan Marine Tourism Park, Kapoposang Islands Nature Tourism Park, Padaido Islands Nature Tourism Park, Panjang Islands Wildlife Reserve and Pieh Nature Tourism Park.

“So, there’s actually an agreement that the management will be handled by ministry of marine and fisheries, but in the reality in the field, there are lots of overlapping regulation and it would need to be assessed on conservation management to be able to harmonize between ministry of marine and fisheries and ministry of environment and forestry,” he said.

Minister of Environment and Forestry Siti Nurbaya refused to give comment. “On marine conservation, I don’t want to comment,” she added.

Reports by Danny Kosasih
